Daniel Piršč

Pirsc Porcelain designer and owner Daniel Piršč develops the classic themes of porcelain as well as experimenting with its new use. Mass-produced porcelain sculptures – wall furnishings, as well as novel vases, define the overall scope of his production. For Křehký, he dealt with the most classical theme – he designed a large dining set. His piece Panathenai from 2009 is inspired by the ancient scene of the same name, as well as by the local landscape around Mikulov in South Moravia where he lives and works. In 2010 for the Křehký Gallery he made a porcelain statue of a Tiger – a study of movement and time. Daniel Piršč: “The tigers swimming in the river have become part of the entire production process. When water flows over tigers washing in the stream it shows their features.”


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